Friday, February 21, 2014


No more mirrors exist
to complicate or communicate,
Memories of crystalline, icy shards
disappear as each slices through
a dying nerve,
where cold, sluggish blood flows still;
Each step a march against itself
and thoughts crowd a sleeping mind:
the first wind of february spring,
that overrated kiss in the rain,
coveted hugs that remain incomplete,
and those daily trips to a world of pain;
these thoughts and more crowd,
jostling each other for space
as if the sleeping mind were a tiny room
closing in upon itself,
rooting to lose something
it took years to build;
Destroyed blocks remain estranged
waiting to be called to life
by a sluggish vein–
A successful play at last;
A glint of steel:
It's uncomplicated.

©Geetakshi Arora
February 20, 2014

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Wasted Flames

Burning in anguish,
it awaits its time;
A beggar yearns for food
for years before it dies;
Fake water is never enough,
It is but a reflection
of tattered hearts
that astound none but
the fated face looking outside;

Royal mansions are unworthy of souls 
that yearn for butterflies
and green caterpillars on yellow leaves;
The fire sweeps away everything,
consuming itself in a flame that used to be burnished gold:
It is a mere dyed orange now;
Now it is polluted with grey soot 
from burning bones;
Mere charcoal,
mere memories:


©Geetakshi Arora
February 9, 2014