Friday, November 29, 2013

Liquefied Frost

In those misty mornings
Flavoured with bleakness
Embalmed in disappointed feelings,
When coldness thaws in the middle of the night
For only a brief moment, tautly stretched:
I’ll meet you in that moment before sleep
I'll meet you where
Home is a place of absences
And numbness:
Let us find cancerous cures
In an anonymous, anesthetic love 

©Geetakshi Arora

November 29, 2013

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Washed Away

Soft hands embed names
on pliant golden sand
Making nonsense patterns 
Too precious to be named;
Transient, to be washed away 
with the next weak wave
that leaves in its wake
a silent rush of deep brown mud:
Tear-stained and cracked. 
Repititive patterns
similarly mould 
a willing force,
defensive against itself;
Too selfish to be safe;
A quiet echo of painless surrender
Destroys all castles built out of purple reflections 
on the surface of some
silent, glassy lake

©Geetakshi Arora
November 9, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013


Those unmixed colours try to mingle
in the wavy sea of salty tears:
A deep, deep blue;
Like the silences you occupy
That mix with unspoken words,
Unspoken, not unheard.
The dark intent in your eyes
Resounds like a ripple
Somewhere in that forgotten within;
A pink-purple twilight laughingly
Strikes the orange canvas of the weak, winter sunlight;
There it is- that blank, silent night.
A thick grey haze erases,
rewrites a story,
replacing this lie with another
etched with glistening drops of red pain:
Everything is fine.

©Geetakshi Arora
November 8, 2013