Monday, June 17, 2013


Rereading page after page,
Paper burns with a crackling sound:
The sound of burning bones
(Excepting one).
Fire purifies, fire destroys;
It converts charred remains to ashes:
Pure, gray and black melange,
A language is yet to be found;
Limbs entangled like ropes,
Bonds broken when one breaks down;
A lost pair of eyes, searching for another of its kind
Where is that hand to be found again?
Glittering, heavy with weight-
Diamonds and wrinkles
Look beautiful together;
A laugh left behind swollen eyes
Shocked, the pages turn of their own accord:
Enchantments do not work any more

© Geetakshi Arora, June 17, 2013


  1. "Enchantments do not work anymore" Its heartbreaking.I can feel you in this poem.

  2. It really is... Trying and trying so hard..let's hope time helps :)

  3. I'll use that word again. Heartbreaking. And beautifully expressed. Hope writing helps you come to terms with the loss and pain as much as time. May your Dadiji's soul rest in peace. *hugs*

  4. "bonds broken when one breaks down" WOW!!!

  5. Thanks pooji! I meant it at multiple levels :)
