Sunday, January 26, 2014

Breaking into Prisons

It was a rare moment,
a melting away of the past;
like dirty, bitter snow,
the prison dissolved;
Its cold chains breaking
to release something shrivelled up,
something still somewhat alive;
Enraptured, it crashed into a mirror
and broke into a thousand pieces,
which echoed every drop of blood,
and each wasted sigh;
It was a rare moment
of painted beauty;
a canvas of a well-thought
game of deceit.

And so it continued–
Another prison was made
with coloured powder this time;
Scarlet, yellow and green:
Disguised. Beloved.

© Geetakshi Arora

January 26, 2014


  1. I love this one so much Geetakshi! It has so much depth and fatalism to it, that one can only exchange one prison for another and that the chains that bind and imprison are forever.

    1. Thank you! :)
      Yes, I think liberation lies only in the interstitial spaces between prisons..always temporary. At least, that is the conclusion I draw from all that is happening.
      Thanks for reading :)

    2. When delusions break it's excruciating to face the reality. Loved it Geet :)

    3. That's why we create newer delusions, isn't it? And disguise old delusions in new clothes :D
      Thanks Doods! <3
