Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Uninspired Musings

If I were a poet,
I'd wring tears from words,
inky blurred lines would run 
like crimson tides,
and perpetually flood the cream grounds of unlined paper;
I would build images,
make tangible each smell,
every sight and touch,
like the roughened smoothness of
an ordinary white wall,
or the smell of freshly buttered corn;
My words would be like
music suddenly blaring
in a silent room,
noise till the mind and heart beat 
in rhythm to it;
I would write long letters to my multiple lovers,
pretending love to none but one;
my words would live on,
despite my efforts
to burn and destroy each block 
of plastic letter:
Another self-destructing attempt at creating immutable gold.

© Geetakshi Arora

April 15, 2014


  1. You have such great talent Geetu, I am really honored to see your step-by-step evolution from day 0 and you leave me speechless with each precious gem that flows from your creative pool of thought. Love love love it - especially, the lines from "blurred lines" to "buttered corn" - as someone mentioned on your FB timeline, truly, Nerudaisc

  2. Aww! Thank you so so much <3
    Sometimes it gets hard to write, but when I do manage and read your encouraging words, it makes me glow from within :)
